

Youth Leader









Office Manager



We believe that:

The Bible comes from God and is His true message, the basis of our beliefs and behaviour.

There is one God, made known to us in three persons: God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human. He lived a perfect life, but gave up that life so that we may truly live. He rose bodily from the dead and now lives in heaven, representing, to the Father, those who trust Him.

The Holy Spirit is God, and he personally convinces us of our need for God. He lives in those who trust in Jesus Christ and gives us the ability to live as God desires.

Human life alone is made in the image of God and is precious. All people, having turned from God, need Him to rescue them from their naturally sinful condition and choices.

In order to be rescued from the consequences of our sins, we must individually recognise our need for God. We must trust that the death of Jesus removes our deserved punishment and provides the only way to be right with God. The ultimate consequence for those who do not trust in the work of Jesus Christ is eternal separation from God, while those who trust will be forever with Him.

The church, both local and worldwide, is made up of those who trust in Jesus Christ. Its fundamental purpose is to bring glory to God.

In the future, Jesus Christ will return to reward and judge all of His creation.




Although we welcome people of all ages, we are a diverse congregation of 300-400 having been blessed many young families with children, a vibrant youth group, and an active contingent of those within the college and career age.


CCA Members are ministered to, pastorally, by elders who meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. They set the vision and priorities for the assembly, plan visitation and oversee the ministries of the church.  Two of the elders serve as paid staff facilitating the various ministries at CCA.  One of the elders serves serves primarily in pastoral care and administration. They are commonly available for counselling or prayer during office hours from Tuesday to Thursday each week, or in the evenings by appointment.


Following the pattern of the early church (Acts 20:7 and Justyn’s Apology – 150 AD), we place a high priority on the Lord’s Supper or communion service. It is a one hour service that allows many people to lead in worshiping Jesus in the special way He requested and as the Holy Spirit leads us.


We see the Bible as having the “last word” on all matters of faith and practice. This is the key to vital, dynamic Christianity, but also creates inevitable clashes with the values of our culture. We attempt to keep the Bible central through consecutive teaching at the 11 AM service and in small group studies mid-week.


In today’s world, especially, there is a critical need to belong to a community. Merely attending CCA may meet some of your needs, but being an integral part of it is much more satisfying. We strongly encourage everyone to join a “small group”, serve in a ministry, help someone with house moving, assist on a janitorial team, invite a family for dinner, etc. These things build community. CCA has a strong tradition of people helping people.


Although it is not always easy to practice, CCA attempts to create a climate where each disciple of Jesus can discover, develop and use his/her spiritual gifts. We are not a congregation of pew-sitters being ministered to by professionals. While theological and professional training will enhance giftedness, we see gifts as the biblical criteria for involvement in the ministry of the church.



Capilano Christian Assembly began meeting as a church in 1978 and for about 16 years rented the facilities of Mount Carmel Bible School . In 1994, with regular attendance at 120-140, we found ourselves limited by space and began looking elsewhere for a meeting place. The Lord led us to the Korean Presbyterian church (capacity 250-300) where we could share the building with another church.

At the time of our move from Mount Carmel , CCA’s Elders had set down some long-term objectives which can be summarized as follows: Our plans were to grow in numbers and financial strength until we could buy or build our own facility capable of handling a congregation of 300-400. We believed this would be a good size from which to daughter new churches (our second objective). After eight years in the Korean church, the Lord had blessed us with people and finances and that first objective was within our reach.

In March 2001 the dream of having our own building came to pass. After demolition and re-construction on about one third of a 21,000 square foot office complex, we ended up with a sanctuary that could hold 400+ along with rooms for Sunday School, youth, and several offices. Our first meeting in the sanctuary took place on December 23, 2001– a kind of Christmas present from the Lord!

Since taking up residence here on 50th Street , the Lord has allowed us to daughter a new church – Southview Christian Fellowship in August 2003. About 80-90 people left us to begin that church in the Southgate area of Edmonton . More recently, September 2007, about 20 adults and children left us to begin a house church called Agricola Community Church in a location southeast of Fort Saskatchewan .

We continue to be humbled by the Lord’s grace in choosing to work among us in these exciting ways. For many of us this whole process of modest, but steady, growth has been a wonderful “faith builder”.



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What denomination is Capilano Christian Assembly?

CCA is an independent evangelical church with a Christian Brethren heritage.  We have informal ties to churches in the Edmonton area with the same heritage. This association allows for cooperation in operating Bible camps and supporting missionaries.

Does CCA baptize people?

Yes, we baptize anyone who requests baptism and indicates that they have personally accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour.  For more information on baptism at CCA please call the church office to speak to a pastor.

Can anyone take communion in the 9:30 am service?

Following the teaching of I Corinthians 11:28, we ask people to ‘examine themselves’ before they participate. People who are not joined to Jesus Christ through faith, have unresolved sin in their lives or are in conflict with other members of the church are encouraged not to take the bread and cup until they have taken care of these issues. Nevertheless, they are welcome to attend the meeting.

Does this church take an offering? I haven’t seen it happen.

CCA is fully funded by generous donors. We take an offering at the first communion service of each month.  There is also an offering box in the foyer that can be used any time.  You can also contribute funds through online giving. All donations are receiptable.  

What is the purpose of the veils in the basket in the foyer?

Based on the teaching of I Corinthians 11:5, we ask ladies who are going to speak in the communion service to wear a veil or some other head covering. We see the communion service as uniquely requiring this since there is no evident leadership. By contrast, men are required to remove their hats in the same context.