We want you to have a place to feel connected. A place you can experience belonging, care and continued growth in your spiritual journey. We believe that by having intentional relationships with people who are on the same path you’ll have a more fulfilling, faith-centered life.



College and Careers offers fellowship and growth opportunities for young adults 18-35 years of age. Occasionally, C&C host ‘pay what you can’ lunches after the Sunday morning service from October - May to promote community. Throughout the school year, there are Chai & Chat sessions every other week at someone’s house and Bible Studies on alternate weeks at someone else’s house. For more info, join the group’s Facebook page or contact the church office and we will put you in touch with the Ministry Leader. Other opportunities are available as well such as soccer nights, Christmas events etc.

Bible Study & Chai & Chat - an evening of study, chai tea & fellowship, please contact the church office if you are interested in attending and for the location. Starts January 23rd, 2025 (bi-weekly). Study at 7 pm and Chat & Chai at 8 pm.

Pay What You Can Lunches - a time of great food and fellowship on select Sundays after the 11 am service. Dates: January 26, February 23 & March 30th, 2025.

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The women of CCA love to gather and encourage one another. We do this in various ways; potluck suppers, a fall retreat (when possible), annual Christmas breakfast, spring tea and other small events throughout the year. Please watch the ‘on the calendar’ page for details of these events. If you’d like to learn more please contact the church office.


Our women’s bible studies take place on weekly basis with a morning study** and/or an evening study. They typically will run from September - December and then start again with a new study from January - April and occasionally late spring. If you’d like to join one of our studies please contact the church office.

Bible study starts on Oct. 3rd, 2024 and will run until mid-December. We have a morning study at 9 am at the church and an evening study in someone’s home at 6:45 pm.


Men at CCA love getting together for food, fun, fellowship and spiritual formation. The men’s ministry plans two main events during the year and then a monthly men’s breakfast as well from September - June.


The men’s bible study is on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm, in-person either at CCA or in someone’s home. Typically it will run from September - December and then start again January - April. Please contact the church office for more information regarding location, topic or to join.

Bible study starts on February 13, 2025 at the church.


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At 8:30 am on the third or fourth Saturday of the month (September - June) there are monthly breakfasts for men. At each breakfast one of the men shares his story of faith.

JOIN US! Our breakfasts are scheduled for January 18, February 15 & March 22, 2025. Contact the church office to RSVP.


Some years, we plan a weekend winter retreat for men. The date & location change from year to year. As an example in February 2019, a group went to Frontier Camp near Nordegg, AB. There was ice climbing, hiking, games and fellowship along with plenty of good food.

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Most years, we plan a 3 - 4 day camping trip to the mountains. The date & location change from year to year. As an example in August 2019, a group went to Kootenay Plains Camp Ground west of Rocky Mountain House, AB. Typically activities include hiking, fishing, games and fellowship along with plenty of good food if you bring it.


Our Moms & Tots group meet each Tuesday morning during the school year from 9:00 am until 11:00 am (drop in). This group is for women of all ages with young children (babies - pre-kindergarten). This is a social time for children to interact with each other and for Moms to get together in a casual setting. Please bring your own snacks & beverages. Contact the church office for more details.

** currently our Moms & Tots program is not available